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Ch. 29

Well that’s the first task down. Now I’ve got to take care of Mags. Rich left the temple and headed towards where the Ox used to be. It was cool out, and very dry. Rich thought as he walked. It’s been a while since the last rain. It was what, the first target? That night, I think? Plants must be really dry by now. I’m amazed that the damage to the Ox didn’t spread farther than it did. Someone must be looking out for Mags. Someone besides me.

After a while, Rich arrived at what he expected to be the burnt-down husk of the Ox. Instead he found the frame of a new building, with Mags inside, hammering away.

“Hey, Mags!”

Mags turned, and as soon as she saw who had called her name, she glared at him furiously. “What do you want,” she asked, “It’s because of you that I’ve got to do this shit! I have to rebuild my life from the ground up.” Her look of anger gradually shifted to one of mourning.

“I know, that’s why I’m here,” Rich walked over to where she was working, and presented her with a large coin purse, full to the point of overflowing. “I wanted to pay for the reconstruction. You shouldn’t have to do this yourself, hire someone to do it. If this isn’t enough, or if it runs out, I’ll make sure that you get more. As much as it takes to get it back up and running. This should cover what I owe you for the information, as well.”

Mags hesitated. After several seconds had passed, she took the purse and put a hand on Rich’s shoulder. “I’d say I knew you had good in you, but I barely knew you. Still,” she embraced him, “I’m glad you came to make things right.” she let go, “Once this place is back up and running, how about you come by? Whole night’ll be on the house.”

“Sounds great! I’ll be there.” He said, “I’ve gotta get going, I’ve got some more stuff to get done today.”

“Okay. With this funding it shouldn’t be too long before the Ox is back up and running again. I’ll let you know when it’ll be. See you then!”

“Bye!”Now that’s over with. I’m gonna go see Brandon. It’ll be good to relax before tomorrow. Rich set off towards the university. It was still cool, but clear and sunny. He took his time on his walk, still taking the occasional sip from his flask to keep himself functional. The city seemed remarkably vibrant that day. He decided to take the long way to the university.

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