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Ch 28

Rich woke up the next morning feeling relieved. He knew how he could end this. But he had some business to take care of first. After having breakfast, he headed straight to the temple of Kesis. It was sunny out, which only amplified his good mood. Now he was certain that his plan would work. He decided to take the long way to the temple. He was in no rush, and he wanted to enjoy the scenery of Wrenfield.

On arriving, he was greeted by an acolyte.

“Welcome, I hope you’re doing horribly today.”

“Is this supposed to be a part of the ‘god of deceit’… thing? If it is, I’m not a fan, and from my conversation here a little while ago, I’m not sure it fits the theme.”

“My apologies, I’m new to the temple. What brings you here today?”

“I want to write a will. Could you take me to the woman I spoke to last time?”

“Absolutely. Do you have her name?”

Rich gritted his teeth, “I don’t think I got her name, actually. She was about this tall,” Rich gestured with his hand, “And she had dark brown hair. Down to her neck,. I think.”

“I believe I know who you’re speaking of. Let me take you to her.” The acolyte led Rich into the back of the temple, away from the public areas. Eventually they came to a room with a closed door. The acolyte knocked lightly on it.


“A visitor for you, Miss Reyes.”

“Let him in.” The door opened seemingly on its own. Inside there was the woman who had previously helped Rich out of a tight spot, sitting at a large desk reading a book. She looked up.

“Ah, Mister Newport. What can I do for you today?” She said

And Rich told her what he needed, and she walked him through the steps of getting it done, and made sure it was all written down. And, of course, the temple got a very generous anonymous donation the same day.

Previous: Ch. 27
Next: Ch. 29