Previous: Ch. 23
Next: Ch. 25

Ch 24

Several hours later, as the sun was setting, the target approached Rich. “The gardens are closing. You’re going to have to leave.”


“Yeah. You’ve been here a while, you’ve had plenty of time to see everything.”

“I guess that’s true. Is there anything around here you recommend?”

“There’s a nice tavern not too far from here. Follow me, I’m heading there anyway.”

Rich got up and they started on their way. They passed the local lantern boy lighting the street, one lantern after another.

“So what’s your name?” Rich asked

“Ralph Sanders, yours?”


“Got a last name?”

“Not one you need to know. I’ve got no family, so a family name doesn’t really serve much purpose.”

“I mean it sets you apart from every other Rich out there.”

“Fine, Shepherd.” If someone’s listening, at least they won’t have my real name

“Oh that’s neat. We have the same initials!”

“So we do.”

Afternoon was turning to evening, and it was starting to get cooler. They continued walking for a while, and Rich started to worry. They were still in one of the safer areas of the city, but they had been walking a while and Ralph had made it sound like the tavern was right around the corner. Does he suspect something? Is he just trying to tire me out? Is he even a shape changer? He seems a lot more… human than all the other shape changers I’ve had to deal with. Maybe he’s just better at mimicking humans. I’m probably just being paranoid.

“Hey Ralph?”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“How far are we from that tavern? I thought it was right by the gardens.”

“Oh!” Ralph replied after a moment, “It’s on the next street over, we can cut through here.” He gestured towards an alley.

Well this is a major red flag. Do these things have a self-preservation instinct? Do they even understand the concept of deception? But if I don’t stick with him now I’ll probably never have the opportunity again, if Wren doesn’t kill me. Looks like I’ve got no choice. He followed Ralph down the alley, and about halfway through Ralph spun around, and pressed a dagger against Rich’s throat.

“I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m not having it.”

“I have no idea what you—” Rich stammered out, backpedaling away from the incensed shape changer.

“Don’t give me that! You came into the garden, went in my tour, made sure to get a good look at me, then sat on that fucking bench for hours until we closed.” 

Rich was against the wall now, and the tip of the dagger was starting to dig painfully into his neck. I’ve only got two options. Try to get him with my knife, or try to get his from him. It’s been a while since my last drink, I’m not sure I’m up for either. My hands are closer to his than my sheath though, so here goes…

Rich swiped down at Ralph’s hand, and managed to knock the knife out of their hand. Ralph saw the writing on the wall and started to run. Shit! He’s gonna get away! Rich grabbed his dagger from its sheath, and threw it at the target. Unfortunately, while Rich’s aim is second to none, his throwing speed was usually bolstered by slowing time, and without it his blade fell short. He rushed to the end of the alley, straight past his dagger, hoping to catch Ralph before they got away. When he got there, he saw that there were a few people walking up and down the street, none of them looked like the man he had been chasing.Damn. No way to tell who it is. It’s just as well I guess, no clue what I could’ve done without my dagger. Wrestled him to the ground maybe, but then what? Rich reached down and picked his dagger up off the ground. I could try to break his neck, but do shape changers even have necks? They can’t, can they? Since they’ve got to change between different forms. Well that one got away. Not sure what Wren’s going to do now, but whatever it is, it’s out of my control. I’m gonna have a drink. Rich headed out of the alley and away towards the Ox, dreading whatever news he’d get by morning.

Previous: Ch. 23
Next: Ch. 25