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Ch. 16

Rich woke to find a note between his feet. He sat up, accidentally crumpling the paper with his boot as he did so. He grabbed it from underfoot and smoothed it out as best he could before reading it. As expected, it was written in the blackmailer’s multiple different handwritings.

You didn’t take the target out. I guess the credit should go to the other guy. I’d say that this one doesn’t count, but this isn’t the kind of operation where it matters who’s doing the killing. You can sub-contract it all out. I don’t care. As long as shape changers are dying. Except for me, of course. I’ll give you until tomorrow for your next target, though. I saw you had a rough night last night, a lot rougher than usual. I think you’ve earned a day of rest. And after all, I want my killer to be in decent shape for his work.

– Wren

So they’re naming themself now, Rich thought, and apparently they are a shape changer? Or maybe this is just a trick. I’ll have to go check in with Brandon. After I change out of these clothes. Rich walked up the stairs into his room. He slowly and methodically undressed, first his cloak, then his coat, then boots, pants, and shirt. He simply dropped the dirty clothes where he stood. He walked over to his window and opened the shutters. Unseasonably warm again. Still cool, but much warmer than would be expected for late September. He decided he’d dress lightly today. Just a linen shirt and some light pants. Not great if he needed to hide blood again, but today would be a day without killing, at least ideally. After checking on his hair to make sure it wasn’t too much of a mess, he attached a small leaf-shaped brooch he was fond of to his left collar. It was unorthodox to wear a brooch like this, but this might be his last enjoyable day for a while, so he wore the brooch how he liked. Satisfied that he at least didn’t look totally like a mess, he walked down the stairs and left his house.

Previous: Ch. 15
Next: Ch. 17